Join the Second Mt. Vernon Family

In joining SMVBC you are not just becoming a member of the church but a citizen of God’s Kingdom. Together we make a commitment for the Kingdom in a low-commitment culture. As members before God, we gather on one accord, by faith, in and with love; the love of Christ.
New members' class is the start of the decision to be the church, not to date the church. When we join a church we are offering ourselves to one another to be piloted, encouraged, rebuked, corrected, and served. We are placing ourselves under leaders and submitting to their authority ( Heb. 13:7 ). We are saying, “I am here to grow in godliness inside out and to help others in the process.

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Welcome to Second Mt. Vernon Baptist Church! We're glad you're here. Our team would love to serve you and help you get connected.